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Sacred Heart School Kew

As a Catholic School, Sacred Heart exists in the Parish of Sacred Heart Kew to provide a learning environment within the Catholic context, incorporating Christian values and beliefs.


Our Religious Education program at Sacred Heart School Kew encompasses inter-related aspects of Spirituality, formal Religious Education lessons, Liturgy and Prayer, preparation for and celebration of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation, along with a strong emphasis on Social Justice.  Our students also participate in Class Liturgies and Masses, as well as celebrating whole School Masses throughout the year.   


At the very heart of each Catholic school is a desire for the full flourishing of each student, across religious, physical, cognitive, emotional and social domains. Here we support students to grow in virtue and to embrace a view of themselves and the world that leads to peace, justice, and the prospering of the whole of creation. It is a journey that is enlightened by faith, animated by love and leading to hope ‘Horizons of Hope – An Education Framework for the Archdiocese of Melbourne (2016)’


The goal of the English curriculum is to assist students to develop the skills and understandings necessary to become active and effective participants in society.


Students learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write, create and reflect on increasingly complex and sophisticated spoken, written and multimodal texts with accuracy, fluency and purpose.


They are supported to appreciate, enjoy and use the English language and develop a sense of its richness and power to evoke feelings, convey information, form ideas, facilitate interaction with others, entertain, persuade and argue.


At Sacred Heart Kew we use a structured approach in literacy for both Prep and Year One.  Our Literacy program is supported by evidence based research and the principals of Science of Reading. These include, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.


We use the program Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL). LLLL is an explicit and sequential literacy approach for teaching our children to read, write and spell with confidence. Each week children will participate in lessons that support:

• Phonemic awareness and phonics for spelling and reading
• Handwriting
• Reading fluency
• Vocabulary and comprehension.


In conjunction with LLLL, we incorporate Heggerty Phonemic Awareness into our daily Literacy teaching. Heggerty allows a fast-paced beginning to literacy lessons that provide students with opportunities to build awareness and proficiency in literacy.


The goal of the Mathematics curriculum is to assist students to acquire and apply mathematical and numeracy skills and understandings successfully in all aspects of their lives. Students learn to use mathematical and numeracy skills to solve practical problems and to recognise mathematical connections.


They are supported to apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes in posing and solving mathematical problems as they develop their understanding of the role of mathematics in everyday life.



An Inquiry based approach to learning is encouraged to foster deeper thinking, promote wondering and to allow for richer and more authentic learning. The inquiry is shaped in part by the students and the prior knowledge they bring to their learning. Learning across multiple curriculum areas, such as Science, Civics and Citizenship, History, Geography, emanates from an authentic problem or question and is designed to provide opportunity to lead students to acquire and apply worthwhile curriculum knowledge.


Inquiry based learning challenges students to use methods of inquiry central to one or more subject areas, the general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities. It requires students to develop and use organisational and self-management skills and assists in the acquisition of interpersonal and life competencies (teamwork, problem solving, appropriate use of technologies).



The goal of the Technologies curriculum is to assist students to confidently design, create, innovate and evaluate processes, products and technological systems to become competent, discerning and productive lifelong users of technology.


The Digital Technologies curriculum enables students to become confident and creative developers of digital solutions through the application of information systems and specific ways of thinking about problem solving. It also encourages students to be discerning decision makers by considering different ways of managing the interactions between digital systems, people, data and processes (information systems) and weighing up the possible benefits and potential risks for society and the environment.


Digital Technologies study is integrated in all curriculum areas by all teachers using a range of plugged and unplugged strategies and devices.


Students have access to a range of digital devices in each learning space including those that use the Mac and Windows platforms and web-based devices such as Chromebooks, iPads, laptops, desktop computers and interactive touch panels. The 1:1 iPad program commenced at Sacred Heart for Years 4 – 6 students in 2014. Classroom and specialist teachers are well versed in using iPads to support, extend and individualise student learning. Students learn to program our Ozobots, Beebots and Spheros and their programming skills develop as the learning complexity increases over their time at Sacred Heart.



The Four Capabilities - Personal and Social Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking, Intercultural Capability and Ethical Capability aim to develop students’ awareness of personal qualities and factors that contribute to resilience & positive relationships. They encourage students to develop empathy for and understanding of others and recognise the importance of supporting diversity for a cohesive community.


Students are actively engaged as effective team members and assisted to develop strategies to manage challenging situations constructively. They develop skills and learning dispositions that support logical, strategic, flexible and adventurous thinking. Respect for diversity and the dispositions of open-mindedness and reasonableness are promoted.



According to the Victorian Curriculum, learning languages in addition to English extends students’ literacy repertoires and improves their capacity to communicate. It also strengthens students’ understanding of the nature of language, culture, and the processes of communication.


At Sacred Heart School Kew, Chinese Mandarin is taught from Prep to Year 6. Chinese Mandarin lessons are delivered in an interactive manner that maximises student engagement and learning. A wide range of materials and activities such as songs, games, quizzes, craft, stories, language learning apps and videos are used to develop the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Gestures and other visual cues are also used to support learning and understanding. Students learn to appreciate Chinese Culture through different cultural activities such as the art of Chinese paper cutting and Chinese calligraphy.


Students also learn about the significant celebrations and festivals of Chinese culture, including Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival through stories, songs and legends.

Chinese cultural celebration day and Multicultural days/incursions are held regularly, to help students better understand and appreciate the culture of Chinese speaking countries. Some of these cultural opportunities include traditional Chinese music, traditional Chinese dances such as lion dances and Chinese acrobatics.


Visual Arts Education nurtures imagination, creativity and innovation, and supports each individual to reach their full potential. Learning in and through the visual arts encompasses products of artistry as well as skills and abilities in problem solving, risk taking, critical and creative thinking and the ability to approach life from different points of view. 


  • Students experience a variety of Visual Arts and Media Arts practices which include construction (e.g., sculpture), modelling (e.g., clay), painting, printmaking, textiles, drawing, photography and animation

  • Students explore a wide range of traditional art making and art movements throughout history (from Indigenous Australian to Street Art)

  • Some units are linked to classroom inquiry and literature

  • Some units link to current exhibitions at Victorian art galleries

  • The Visual Arts program links with the wider community. Students have opportunities to exhibit their work outside of school. 

  • Incursions (e.g. visiting artist talks, whole school collaborative art making experiences) and excursions (e.g. whole school NGV visit)

  • Visual Arts program integrates cross curriculum priorities such as sustainability and other Key Learning Areas such as Critical and Creative Thinking.

  • An opportunity to develop the imagination which nurtures creativity and the ability to innovate




The Performing Arts program (Music, Drama and Dance) at Sacred Heart Kew is a vibrant, sequential program. Students perform, improvise, respond and listen with purpose. They study music elements and gain aesthetic knowledge of a variety of music from different times, styles and cultures. They use tuned and un-tuned instruments in sequential music study. They study notation, and music composition. In Year Three they learn karate recorder which includes studying notation. 




Drama classes allow students to develop confidence and gain self-esteem to explore and take on roles for drama presentations. Drama incorporates the use of a stage with props and costumes. The drama program includes improvisation, mime, role play, small

group and whole class works are based on a range of stimuli including puppetry and plays. 


The Dance program, allows for creative movement, spatial awareness, development of elements of movement and composition to perform dance sequences with control, precision, confidence and coordination. We hold a School Musical every second year. In 2023, our children performed 'Disney Lion King Jr'. 



Vital to the wellbeing of our students is the encouragement of physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices. Students involvement in physical activities, team sports and good health promotes skills, confidence, positive self esteem, team spirit, a sense of belonging and sportsmanship and most importantly fun. 


Sacred Heart Kew provides many opportunities for our students to have experiences outside of the classroom that help to build teamwork, resilience and a positive attitude to and an appreciation of physical activity. Our weekly Physical Education program is staged to develop students from prep to year six and their individual needs to develop fundamental motor skills, physical fitness and game awareness in a multitude of sports and activities. Students are allocated into one of four houses and each year the annual House Sports and Cross country events are keenly contested and supported by students, staff and the school community.


Interschool and Regional Sport 

Being affiliated with School Sport Victoria in the North Balwyn District students also have the opportunity to compete in Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country carnivals. We have had a number of students progress through to Regional and State finals in these events. Year 5 and 6 students compete in interschool sport in terms one and two where we have been successful in a range of sports such as soccer, volleyball, cricket, AFL 9s and netball.


Other year levels also have a weekly sport lesson with the whole year level taken by classroom teachers which compliment Physical education classes. The district also provides a number of Gala days in a range of sports such as AFL football, Cricket, Hockey, Battleball, and Basketball which provides students with friendly competition against local schools


School Sports Day

One of our most anticipated activities each year is our School Sports. Students compete in a range of track and field events and the House cup is presented to the winning team.


School Swimming

Sacred Heart Kew values and encourages aquatic education and students have a confidence around water. Each year our prep to 2 students attend a week long swimming program at Kew Recreation Pool and our Year 3 s to 6's at MLC Pool. The focus is on swimming and water safety.  Year 6 also participate in a sailing program.



School Camps


As a natural an extension of our Physical Education program we have developed a whole school camp program beginning with a

  • Prep Breakfast and activity morning

  • Year One (activity night)

  • Year Two (whole day activity program)

  • Year Three (overnight Zoo Snooze experience)

  • Year Four (3 day camp) 

  • Year Five and Six (5 day camp week). Alternating each year between an outdoor education and adventure camp, and Canberra to visit the attractions in our national capital.


Camps are a fantastic way for students and teachers to interact and complete challenges that are away from the classroom. They assist with building resilience, independence, teamwork and importantly fun and challenging activities that students are not typically exposed to. 


Each year we look at programs that will add positive experiences and challenges for all our students. Some of these include a Bike Education Program and Yarra Trail ride for our senior students, High Ropes challenge and a six week sailing program at Albert Park.




At Sacred Heart Kew, we take this imperative very seriously. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are taught at every grade level throughout the school using an interdisciplinary approach. This approach fosters deep learning as students develop their critical and creative thinking, communication and collaboration skills, and capacity as designers. 


We use a variety of tools and strategies for STEM education at Sacred Heart Kew such as iPads, Chromebooks, iMacs, Windows computers, robotic devices, wooden building blocks and we have a particular focus on teamwork.


Catholic Social Justice Program

Sacramental Program

Children & Adult Faith Nights


Class Masses

School Masses





Camp (Prep - Year 6)

Premiers Reading Challenge

Coding Club

Maths Games


Cross Country Training

Basketball Club (FDBA)

Interschool Sports Winter/Summer

Sport Gala Days

District Athletics

District Swimming

Tennis Lessons - External Provider

Student Wellbeing

Transition Programs

Buddy Program

Year 6 and Prep Buddy Program

Anti Bullying Initiatives

Pop Up Play

Lunchtime Activities

The Arts


Instrumental Club

Creative Music - External Music Lessons

Book Week Activities

Drama Club

Art Show/Cultural Night & School Musical (alternate years)

Lion King 1.PNG

Student Leadership Team - led by Year Six Leaders 

School and House Captains

Class Captains and Environmental Monitors

Leadership Opportunities for all

Diverse Opportunities
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